The Competitiveness Enhancement Project (CEP or “the Project”) supports the Government of Moldova’s efforts to promote economic growth and job creation. In a context of low investment levels, limited productivity and poor export competitiveness, the Project aims at enhancing Moldova’s private sector activity and investment. The Project development objective is to “assist Moldova in enhancing competitiveness of enterprises through improvements in the business environment, enhancing access to finance, and making adequate standards, testing and quality improvement services available
The Competitiveness Enhancement Project (CEP or “the Project”) supports the Government of Moldova’s efforts to promote economic growth and job creation. In a context of low investment levels, limited productivity and poor export competitiveness, the Project aims at enhancing Moldova’s private sector activity and investment. The Project development objective is to “assist Moldova in enhancing competitiveness of enterprises through improvements in the business environment, enhancing access to finance, and making adequate standards, testing and quality improvement services available to enterprises.The Project development objective is to “assist Moldova in enhancing competitiveness of enterprises through improvements in the business environment, enhancing access to finance, and making adequate standards, testing and quality improvement services available to enterprises.”
The Competitiveness Enhancement Project (CEP or “the Project”) supports the Government of Moldova’s efforts to promote economic growth and job creation. In a context of low investment levels, limited productivity and poor export competitiveness, the Project aims at enhancing Moldova’s private sector activity and investment.